Over 30 Available Automotive Technicians
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Our Talent Matching Program is Top Notch
Amber, right here we need a 200 word plus paragraph about how our talent matching program works. Talk about its strengths. This will require careful consideration as I need to to leave out the key details that make us different.
- We make sure our candidates brush their teeth.
- We ask what animal you would be
- We make sure candidates don't do drugs.
- We ask about favorite color of fruit
Devro Group has been great to the recruitment of Ideal Tool Tech employees! Devro has played a big part in the transformation of Tool Tech culture! Recruiting has taken our culture and was able to integrate that into the hiring of the perfect fit for Tool Tech.
Tool TechTower Industry
Devro Group always lets me know where they are at with finding us new employees. When they do find someone, the amount of information we receive is more than we could ask for, and they only sends us the quality we are looking for.
I love that by the time I interview someone, the person I am interviewing has already been told all about my company. Devro does a great job sharing our beliefs, our culture, and how tough the job really can be. I can always tell that she already tried to scare them, which is the first thing I try to do.
Amber puts herself into my shoes, I feel like she does an excellent job of thinking of how the person she is interviewing is going to fit in at our company. I feel like she is a part of our company without being on our payroll.